
install Hyper-v on windows 10 Home

C# mysql sample- select table with limit result top n -

c# JsonSerializeOject - DeSerializeOject

c# compress and decompress with GZIP

c# zip folder with ionic.zip

c# - Parallel for loop - threading

c# -Simple and convenient recurrent events example. no timer

C# Threading, wait current thread end with .join

c# - DownloadStringTaskAsync

C# class DateTimeExtensions

C# class StringExtentions

C# SqlDataSource_to_Datatable

C# ColorRGBtoHexConverter

Entity Framework, linq select, ordering multiple fields

mvc 5 - return HttpNotFound() - goto custom Page

mvc 5 manual routing example 1

string list to string with comma (string listten virgül ayraçlı string)

html table to .DataTable (datatables.net)

HashSHA1 from string. sha1.ComputeHash

ListToDataTable AND DataTableToListDictionary c#

Devexpress XtraReport filter - apply filter- ASPxWebDocumentViewer

javascript yuvarla

image valid before upload - memory stream

ini read - write

devexpress aspx web report direct print to..

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devexpress aspxgridview _initnewrow event canceledit